WHEA 59th Annual Conference
REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN! 2025 WHEA Annual Conference Tuesday, September 23 – Friday, September 26, 2025 Hilton Paper Valley Hotel, [...]
The Wisconsin Healthcare Engineering Association is a premier organization providing quality education; advocacy and outreach within our healthcare community.
WHEA is recognized by local and national regulatory organizations as an essential partner in the codes and standards development and compliance process. The key to our success is a commitment to our members and the development of professional relationships.
The Wisconsin Healthcare Engineering Association (WHEA) is comprised of six (6) local chapters positioned strategically throughout the state. Although each chapter has its own bylaws, officers, and conducts separate chapter meetings, all chapters are governed by the state bylaws. Members of each WHEA chapter automatically become a member of the state organization.
The Wisconsin Healthcare Engineering Association’s Educational and Professional Development Committee (EPDC) will once again be offering 12 webinars for the 2025 calendar year for a one time, low price per computer connection.*
These webinars will be held every 2nd Thursday of the month from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm and are available by yearly subscription only.
When: Second Thursday of the Month
WHEA offers site-based educational programs at various locations throughout the state. The Education and Professional Development Committee chooses these site-based programs from the input we receive on our program evaluations. At times there are hot topic items that pop up where we try to pull together a program if we feel the topic is an important one. One of our standard programs is the “Healthcare Construction Certificate” (HCC) program which occurs 3 times a year. We try to make the choice of our site location classes accessible to everyone no matter what region of Wisconsin you live in and will continue to hold virtual HCC programs as necessary.