October 19th – 25th, 2025

Maintenance and Plant Operations Employee Recognition events are celebrated by the employees of healthcare facilities maintenance and plant operations departments annually. A commemorative button is designed each year and is sold and distributed by our members. Beginning in 2006 this event became a week-long celebration that coincides with the annual ASHE healthcare engineering recognition week in October.

Besides the commemorative button, there are also posters and banners that may be purchased to make this day special for plant operations and maintenance employees. You’ll note that our buttons and posters are specific to the date of the annual Recognition Week, but the durable vinyl banners (either horizontal & vertical versions) have been designed so they are not year-specific and, therefore, can  be used year after year for your Recognition Week celebrations — a great investment at a modest price. Click on the flyer link below to see this years buttons and poster designs!

Order your buttons, banners (vertical or horizontal) and posters by clicking the order form link below, fill out the form and submit it.

Save shipping costs and pick up your pre-order at the Annual Conference in Green Bay, from Kelly Roshell who will be manning the MPOE booth in the back of the main education room.

We can also ship your order to your facility for a $10 flat rate shipping charge if you prefer.

You will be sent a confirmation/invoice via email, so be sure that the email you enter is valid. If you do not receive this confirmation/invoice, please contact us.

If you have any questions, please Send a Message.

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