Facility Self-Assessments
Nursing homes and other long-term care facilities should prepare now to care for residents with COVID-19. A facility self-assessment tool is available to evaluate current readiness and guide development of a COVID-19 plan that addresses communications, supplies, resident management, visitors, occupational health, training, and surge capacity.
Facilities, especially those who have not had a case yet, can start by performing the self-assessment and direct questions about their results or the included components to dhswihaipreventionprogram@dhs.wisconsin.gov.
Tele-Infection Control Assessment and Response (ICAR)
Long-term care facilities can also request a tele-ICAR evaluation by the HAI Prevention Program, which involves a more detailed phone-based infection control assessment of elements for COVID-19 readiness. The tele-ICAR is estimated to be about 30 to 60 minutes in length.
CDC Webinar Recording
CDC also has a 30-minute webinar recording that walks through preparing nursing homes and assisted living facilities for COVID-19